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- migraine
- tinnitus, vertigo and Meniere’s-disease
- neuralgia and other painful conditions
- fibromyalgia
- arthritis and arthrosis
- auto-immune-diseases
- diseases of the liver and gall-bladder
- gastrointestinal diseases
- metabolic - diseases and diabetes
- Heart-diseases and vascular diseases
- diseases of the kidney, the bladder and the prostate
- psychosexual dysfunction
- gynaecological disorders, menopausal symptoms
- allergies
- bronchial asthma and other pulmonary-diseases
- susceptibility to infections weakened immune system
- skin-diseases, eczema, psoriasis,
- convalescence
- burn-out syndrome and other conditions of exhaustion
- anxiety and depressive estates
- hormonal diseases
- weight problems, adiposities
- prevention against cancer and treatment after chemotherapy and radiotherapy in collaboration with your oncologic specialists.
- inter alia